
Cosmetic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids is to remove pockets of fat and excess skin. The scars are hidden in the upper sulcus and under the lower lashes. This surgery has very good aesthetic and functional results because it allows return to a full eyelid opening improve the patient’s vision.

To achieve the best aesthetic and functional results is necessary that this surgery is performed by a specialist in plastic surgery and cosmetic.
In a typical procedure, the surgeon makes incisions following the natural lines of your eyelids: the folds of his upper eyelids and just below the lashes in the lower eyelid. The incisions may extend into the crow’s feet or lines that are formed when smiling at the outer corners of your eyes. Working through these incisions, the surgeon separates the skin from underlying fatty tissue and muscle, removes excess fat, and often trims sagging skin and muscle. The incisions with very fine sutures close.
If you have a pocket of fat beneath your lower eyelids but do not need to remove the skin is likely that your surgeon perform a blefaroplastia. In this procedure the incision is made inside the lower eyelid, leaving no visible scar. This is usually performed on younger patients with thicker, more elastic skin.
Excess skin of the upper eyelids is usually treated by removing excess skin, with a small incision located right in the crease of the eyelids, the scar results unapparent.
Fat bag that appears most frequently in the upper eyelid is internal, which can be removed through a small incision in the skin, the scar results unapparent, or with the same incision used to remove excess skin of the upper eyelid .In some cases it will be beneficial effect, while accentuating the sulcus, or resituation of the lacrimal gland, or the removal of frown lines weakening the muscle corrugator, or canthopexy or even the removal of fat bags lower eyelid, using the same incision in the upper eyelid.
In certain cases, to treat the fat bags of the lower eyelids in patients in whom there is no excess skin on the eyelid, you can use the Via Transconjunctival.
When the excess skin in the lower eyelid is higher, you can use the same internal transconjunctival to remove excess fat pockets, but also using a small external incision that only affects the thin skin layer of the eyelid skin lower (without sectioning or the orbicularis muscle and eyelid septum), about the implementation of the tabs, you can adjust the excess greater amounts of skin using the latest techniques most modern of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
The sutures are usually removed within 5 days, and the patient can return to normal life after a week.
The possible complications that can occur in the eyelid surgery are usually temporary, but should always be considered also, possible rare complications such as the accumulation of blood or retrobulbar hematoma should be treated immediately and could produce a blindness; excessive retraction of the skin than a “round eye” or show eschleral could lead; excessive removal of eyelid bags that could accentuate the concavity of the orbit resulting in a “cadaverous eye”; muscle injury that could alter the mobility of the eyeball; decreased ability to produce tears a “dry eye” could result.
Most of the complications that may occur are avoidable if proper surgical indication is made and if a technique is used correctly, and are treatable if you act quickly at the same time start to appear.
The Blefaroplastia usually it performed under local anesthesia, without admission to the clinic.
The postoperative period is slightly annoying (because of the swelling that occurs after manipulation of the tissues around the eyes and lasts about 48 hours) and completely painless.
If necessary, after a few days after the operation, the / the patient can apply makeup in the area to hide the remains of bruises that could be resolved.
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