Maxillofacial Surgery

The mouth is a key element for our life. It is the lifeblood of supply and communication. It is a key element in the facial structures and can have different kinds of diseases. malformativas, traumatic, infectious, painful and tumor diseases. The treatment of most of these diseases is in charge of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Treatment must be performed by a specialist with solid, university and inter interacting with other areas of medicine training.

Within these surgeries are, the Orthognathic Surgery, upon an analysis of the craniofacial structures we compared the position of the cranial base relative to the maxilla and mandible. When the jaw is ahead of one of the other two speak of an underbite. This alteration involves a series of pictures associated, malocclusion (bad bite), pain and / or fatigue when chewing, joint noise and aesthetic commitment to the facial profile. The treatment of this disease is responsible for the maxillofacial surgeon and can be treated with a Orthognathic Surgery.

Also Surgeries THIRD MOLAR which they are largely human beings and have the great disadvantage that the space for its output is insufficient because the current jaws are smaller than those of thousands of years ago. This difference generates a series of problems, mainly because infectious does not allow proper hygiene of the area and also may result in damage of the immediately neighboring parts. Just as nerve compressions dntario is very troublesome for patients. For all this it is necessary that often must be removed, this procedure must be performed by a surgeon with the best clinical conditions to minimize any complications that may be severe.
Concomitantly craniofacial trauma and fractures of facial bones can be repaired by placing titanium plates and dental arches Erich fixation.

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