Cleft palate surgery in children and infants

Normally, surgery cleft palate It has done between 9 and 18 months old, and before 2 years of age; It is more complicated and can cause more discomfort than surgery

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The initial surgery will create a functional palate that reduces the chances that fluid accumulates in the middle ear, will help the teeth and facial bones develop normally and allow the baby to speak and eat properly. It should be noted here also that, sometimes, a second operation is needed.
After the operation, and for a few days, it is likely that your child does not eat or drink as before and will have to devote much time to recover. In some cases, it is necessary to place a catheter into a vein to give you fluids until you can drink normally.
Your child will have stitches on the palate where the slit dissolve after several days repaired. It may at first bloody drainage from the nose and mouth that will lessen over the first day. The operated area will have swelling will decrease in a week and your child will complain of discomfort for two or three days, which will be remedied by medication prescribed by the doctor.

It is advisable that parents know what can happen or what to do after your child’s surgery. It is common, for example, the baby shows signs of nasal congestion, followed by snoring and mouth breathing. Your doctor will tell you what diet should follow the baby after surgery. If your child is still an infant should get a soft diet during the first 7 to 10 days, ie, breast milk directly in the chest, with bottle or a glass. If your child is a little older, you will surely receive age-appropriate soft foods.
Physical activity remains important even after surgery. The child can walk or play calmly without abusing efforts.
After surgery, medical follow-up will be even more important. the combination of efforts between specialists and family baby or child is necessary for there to be a proper control of the overall health of the child.
Perhaps the most important time is for parents to keep in mind that surgery to repair lip and palate is only the beginning of the process. Family support is critical for the child. Understanding and family affection will help you grow and strengthen their self-esteem above his physical defect.
With proper treatment the child with cleft lip and cleft palate, You can reach their full integration into family and society.
The complications that may occur include:DERIVATIVES:
They are given by the malformation.

  • Food: Babies born with cleft lip only, do not have much problem to feed; but those who have the lip and cleft palate They do have, since the opening of the palate makes it difficult for the child to suckle. Direct feeding is impossible, but breast milk can give the child will, with appropriate techniques and equipment.
  • Ear: Almost all babies with cleft palate born with ear problems. This problem usually comes to correct, when the palate is closed. However, some children still have some conditions for many years, mainly infectious type. If you are treated properly in childhood, hearing loss is not permanent, but if not, speech development may be affected and hearing problems may be permanent.
  • Delay Speech and Language: Infants with cleft lip have no problem to speak, but when there cleft palate (Isolated or as part of the lip and cleft palate),they will speak later, his words sound nasal and have difficulty pronouncing some sounds. However, after surgery they go on to have a normal way of speaking. Check with your doctor about the need to take him to a speech therapist and speech. Surely it will need.
  • Dental problems: Babies with cleft lip and cleft palate which extends to the gums (which are those that contain the teeth), they have special dental problems. They may not have some pieces of teeth and permanent or may be in an abnormal position around the slit. Fortunately, dental specialists can usually solve these problems. The baby will be in the hands of medical experts including a pediatric dentist, an orthodontist (for orthodontic put the teeth in place) and an oral surgeon, if necessary, repair the upper jaw and the cleft of the gum.
  • ASSOCIATES: That come along with malformation.
  • The baby may have other associated defects in the case of lip and cleft palate, More often there clubfoot (the child’s foot is crooked and tucked inward).
  • The baby is born with extra fingers (polidactilia).
  • They may also have spinal defects.
Little is known about how to prevent this defect, however, some studies suggest that if multivitamins containing folic acid before and during the first trimester of pregnancy, may help in preventing taken. It is known fact that folic acid helps reduce the risk of some neural tube defects.
Families with a history of lip and cleft palate They should attend genetic counseling to determine the possibilities of future parents transmit it to your baby.
Because some drugs affect the baby’s development, it is important that pregnant women attend medical consultation and not self prescribed medicines; so that the factors that condition to be present are eliminated and the lip cleft palate.It is generally considered that the risk in healthy parents after having a child with cleft lip and / or cleft palate 4-6% is likely to be resubmitted in a future pregnancy, as long as the defect is the only abnormality present in the affected baby and there are no other affected family.

The outcome depends on proper diagnosis and treatment, which should begin within a few hours after birth to prevent this way complications such as infections, speech disorders, stunted growth and development of the body and face, alterations teeth and emotional problems of the child; and their relationship to social and family environment mainly. In addition, as is a condition that needs several years for treatment, control is long.
No one can predict with certainty how each child will develop. Babies with cleft lip and cleft palate They require love and affection, understanding, approval and discipline from parents in the same way as normal children. With the help of a high-quality care, the result is excellent.
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