Mastopexy: breast lift

The development, by the passing of the years, pregnancy, lactation and the effect of gravity, own breasts gradually changing its shape and size. The skin loses elasticity and falls mammary gland losing its youthful appearance.
The surgery is based on resection of excess skin and raising the breast gland and placing the areola and nipple in its normal position.

Prospective patients for this type of surgery are all those women who have completed their physical development and may be the reason for consultation: an aesthetic deformity, functional or postural problem, in cases of very large breasts, or a complex psychological.
The scars will be variable according wing magnitude of elevation, as well as the quality of the patient’s skin. Basically they vary from a scar around the areola, to an inverted T. While breast surgery does not usually interfere with breastfeeding, it is not advisable to do at the prospect of a future pregnancy.

large breasts or Hypertrophic. The ptosis It is due to excess gland and / or adipose tissue and the operation is called Breast Reduction. In fact, virtually all breast hypertrophic presents a greater or lesser degree of ptosis, except in cases of virginal hipertrofias, those that appear at puberty and are treated before the weight impacting on the skin.
The volume of the breast is the right to the body of the woman but there is excess skin. For correction will be necessary to remove the excess skin so that the bra fits the size of the breast in the proper position. But this surgery is not as simple as one might imagine, since it is not enough to remove what is left of skin, but also to be treated breast content in order to prevent or at least delay, a subsequent fall. As we said, the alteration is found mainly in the skin, which has lost its elasticity, so there are great chances that the chest to fall back when only the result based on skin containment is maintained.
They are sagging breasts whose volume does not reach the normal size or desired by the patient. When this happens it is necessary to resort to placing prostheses to increase its volume. If sagging is important it may be necessary to remove excess skin.
The major complications are rare. In obese patients and in large hipertrofias increases the risk of lipolisis or necrosis fat because of the sensitivity of the tissue. small disturbances may occur scar by rejection of internal stitches, which are corrected without difficulty. The formation of keloid It is common in our environment. The suffering of flaps or partial or total loss of the areola and nipple, as well as infections are rare.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether the intervention alters the ability to breastfeed future children. Well, in principle, when breasts are not fallen excessively and do not require special maneuvers to climb the nipple-areola complex, will not cause changes, because there is always gland and no continuity solution canaliculi occurs galactóforos. It will not happen the same in large ptosis since the realization of flaps for the ascent of the complex to the new position it is often necessary, or even in a very limited cases, recourse must be made to graft it.

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