Increase Breast:

The causes that lead a woman to increase the size of their breasts can be varied, from a desire to improve body contour, correct a difference in volume between the breasts, to a post mastectomy reconstruction.
Surgery is based on the placement of an implant. The location of it can be, behind the mammary gland or behind the pectoral muscle behind aponeurosis overlying the muscle. The choice of anatomical plane, give a different aspect to the treated breast, and these alternatives should be conversational with your plastic surgeon to achieve the best aesthetic results according to your body and your expectations.
The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, local with sedation or general and basically consists of the placement of the implant in a carved pocket between the mammary gland and the muscle or below it. The incision can be in the areola, the submammary or armpit. Surgery may be outpatient or inpatient day. placing a suction drain for one or more days may be needed and a bandage is kept for 5 to 7 days.


Types of Implants:

Breast implants are composed of a flexible silicone and filled with different materials, the most common silicone gel and saline solution. Consistency of silicone gel is more natural texture, while saline is harmless in case of infiltration or rupture of the cover. Currently cohesive silicone gel is used, which in case of rupture is maintained in position as gelatin. Scientific studies conducted so far show that none of these implants cause cancer nor autoimmune diseases.

Retroglandular Retromuscular Subfascial

Intervention: Increase the size of the breasts by breast implants. Duration: 1-2 hours. Preoperative studies: blood tests, EKG, CXR, bilateral Mammograms and pictures. General anesthesia. Login: One night.

Implant Types: Stuffed cohesive silicone gel, with a rough surface, round or anatomical, high profile, moderate or low.

Implementation routes:

  • Via Periareolar (around the nipple areola).
  • Via Submammary (through a small incision located in the groove under the breast).

Implant Location:

    • Submuscular (below the pectoral muscles).
    • Subglandular (above the pectoral muscles and below the mammary gland).
    • SubFascial (below the fascia or aponeurosis of the pectoralis muscle and above.

dependiendo de cada caso.

Side effects: Swelling, bruising, changes in nipple sensation and itching sensation temporary. Mama sensitive to stimuli for a few weeks. Risks: capsular contracture (scar tissue around the implant), implant rupture, infection, bleeding, increased or decreased sensitivity of the nipple or breast skin (usually temporary). Mammograms to be made in the future will require a special technique, commonly used by radiologists.

Postoperative Care: elastic band seamless bras for 2 to 4 weeks. daily self-massage circular from the 7th day.

Recovery Return to work: some days. Physical contact with mom: 3 or 4 weeks. full maturation of scars: several months to 1 year.

Duration of Results: Variable. Implants may need to be changed.

UP: It is advisable to carry out audits every two to three years to verify the integrity of the implant and scar capsule that forms naturally around.

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