

The lipodystrophy It is the accumulation of fatty tissue located produced generally by overweight and hormonal disorders. With thinning reduces this problem but does not solve the disharmony of body contouring. Skin folds falls as so to be made in an operation called abdominoplasty.

The increase in volume in the abdomen varies according to genetic constitution, sex, age, overweight. To perform cosmetic operation of a large abdomen or pendulum. The classic incisions for this operation are horizontal and vertical. If your surgeon indicates a horizontal incision, it will try to match the model swimsuit or underwear you wear.

The operation consists of: resection, skin, muscle wall repair and correction of hernias if any, this operation must be performed in an authorized medical institution and enabled. If the abdominal adiposis is small it may be performed dermolipectomy minimum combined, sometimes with a lipoaspiración.
Depending on the size of the operation, you can walk the second day. You can resume your life doing light work at two weeks, approximately, depending this on your personal evolution. You should use a rubber protection strip for a while. As a result the abdomen will be flatter improving body contour.
The counseling with a qualified plastic surgeon is the first step to a successful surgery.


As in the preparation of any surgery it is necessary to perform a complete examination to rule out any pathology that could contraindicate the surgery. Within these include cardiovascular, pulmonary and coagulation problems.

In obese patients is recommended, whenever possible, prior thinning by controlling the endocrinologist. For patients refractory thinning and have a large abdomen surgery may be indicated, it is advisable to prepare the abdominal wall few days preoperatively by performing breathing exercises.
Due to the large extent of the detachment and the dimensions of the flap that is normally practiced in this type of intervention it is important that patients quit smoking do so for about two weeks before the operation. The reason for this is that snuff causes impaired microcirculation can seriously compromise the end result.
Among the complications, hematoma or blood accumulation and seroma or accumulation of serous fluid occupy the first place in the complications of abdominoplasty followed by suffering or necrosis of the skin by smoking, compression or infection. Alterations scar, such as keloids, or widening them, defects in the umbilicus and adiposity or remanescentes skin are the most common aesthetic consequences and easier correction venture.
  • Sleep or rest on your back with your head slightly elevated and legs bent, placing pillows under your knees.
  • Bedrest the first two days. After this short period of time, little rides are allowed, always keeping the body slightly bent to prevent strain on the scar.
  • Avoid wetting the dressing, while the sutures are not removed. Then you can shower or bathe, always perfectly dry dressings cold air.
  • No violent activities or exercises for eight weeks.
  • Do not perform abdominal efforts for six weeks.
  • Do not drive a car until after four weeks.
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